Saturday, January 17, 2009

movable type

It's been a long time since posting here. Most of that time I have been busy building HD Design & Printing with my business partner. In that time have used a few subscription based software services. Most importantly was Freshbooks - at least as far as business goes. 

I have been setting up and running my own web apps including Project Pier and Movable Type.  I love the Professional Pack in version 4.23 for building my entire site. 

Which is where I've been...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Original Andy - NEW WORK

Original Andy, new work.

In the beginning

The New work which you will see here is paired down, I guess you could say. People often confuse them for photographs but they are just based on photographs. The real power of these pieces lies in their paper texture and minimalist, post-nuclear stylistic and color approach. They reflect the beauty and grace of the Chicago lakefront *just the north side so far* a "not-so-distant" future (could it be the present) we see the artificial glow in the sky. It's something we are used to...but now we only see it from a car, or through a window.

Okay, whatever, that sounds pretty stupid. the passenger seat of the car, approaching the curve in Lake Shore Drive it looks like you are in a travel poster on an ocean boulevard.

The pieces can go both ways.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

your're gonna have to read on!

site consider this the test marketing for my upcoming artists website.

forget all the boring babble from those other posts!

blogging is tough, but copywriting is a chore...
it's coming soon though, as well as
which will be our commercial offset site.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

late winter ideas

with ideas usually overflowing, it's difficult to decide which path to go down creatively.
maintaining a body of work that will show well and that people will respond to is important.
feedback on ideas - feedback on the artwork - is always there. the challenge is knowing how to filter all of this.
then again, maybe the real challenge for me is just doing the work. getting these ideas onto paper or canvas is a lot like going on a long drive. it's not something you just easily do every day... especially when you have other obligations. the trick is to create the time and the space to make it happen.
for me, this can only happen with the support of my family, friends, and associates.
at the same time, i could have all of that support and then fail to rise to the challenge.
i usually find myself in a spot like this in the later winter. on the verge of some inspiration.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

trip to cleveland

this morning we are headed to cleveland.

Friday, August 18, 2006

extreme vehicle

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Global Expansion & Security

Don't miss this exciting show! Witness the world as it will appear in the future!
Global Expansion & Securtiy
at Wishbone (3300 North Lincoln)
through the month of August
Reception Thursday, August 10, 6-8 p.m